"Everything in the store, like you Share"SAY Drive is a file management and archiving system that protects all information and documents of users in electronic environment, stores all kinds of documents and allows these documents to be easily shared.All information and documents in electronic environment are now under full protection ...SAFE STORAGECryptos, stores, authorizes, versions, backups, logs and organizes all your data.SAY Drive gives you faster access to your files.STRONG SEARCHYou can search content by keyword and filter by file type, owner, other criteria and time range.24/7 ACCESSIt provides you instant access to your data from wherever you are. You can easily access all the data you are looking for, at home, at work and on the go.BACKUPNo matter how big the data on your device, its easy to take backups and organize your data with SAY Drive.DATA CRIPPINGThe worlds most advanced crypto and hash algorithms are used in all file and transfer storage processes. All data in SAY Drive is stored encrypted when requested.PROTECTION AGAINST VIRUSESIt passes all the information and files it stores through a special algorithm, preventing parts and viruses from damaging other stored files. No virus can be activated in our system.Your files are right where you are! Be the move and ready to share.